Africadia's first objective is to build a Pyramid Village especially designed for research on agriculture and residential to offer you the opportunity to take advantage of our pyramids' effects.
Africadia's second objective is to restore the relative prosperity that Elm Hill had before residents decided to move to urban areas.
We'll encourage the Elm Hill community to small-scale commercial farming, from spices, fruits, and vegetables, to honey, eggs, and more.

The first thing you'll see when entering Africadia will be the research area, with pyramids of different sizes and materials, performing and documenting experiments from seed preservation to hyperborean chambers.

Phase one is all about clearing the land. It will consist of flattening some areas and separating rocks and wood by size (small, medium, large) for later landscaping. (April 2023)
In exchange, Africadia will provide the following:
One meal per day
Camping area
Antipyramid treatments
Deep conversations


Africadia's residential area will be available for short and long-term rentals. From one night to one year. I intend to offer you an affordable way to take advantage of what a safe pyramid can do for you. It doesn't matter if you want to try before buying your own or if you require treatment and need help to afford it.
Your donations are very important, not just because it supports the project enormously, but for the intention behind it; that intention is what makes things happen.
Long-shelf food
Man-hour / Labor
Tools / Building material
Knowledge / Advise
Gadgets (solar panels, generators, etc.)