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Orgonites and Pyramids

Wilhelm Reich discovered part of the cosmic energy that surrounds us, naming it orgone energy or orgone. There are two classes or at least two counter-polated effects of the same energy. The orderly and biologically beneficial is called Biological Orgone (describing the corpuscular formations ORBs) and DOR (Deathly Orgon or Mortal Orgon). We use both terms.


Let's see their functions, how to manufacture and use them. Take your time and read carefully, because you won't find better information on the web in a general and practical way. Piramicasa only replicates the information collected by diverse researchers and is not the author of the claims about its effects; it's scientific information found in various technical and scientific social Internet channels.


The only thing we can recognize for sure is that the orgonites help to stabilize the magnetic field produced by the pyramid, making it work in many cases where "magnetic anomaly" (type of pathologies that affect the compasses) could decrease or alter the Pyramid function. Other factors explained may be subjective, despite the abundant knowledge that thousands of manufacturers and experimenters have.


The orgonite is a modern and simple device, tested by Piramicasa in practice with excellent results, clarifying some little known points that far from being a "fashion," is a technology of the best interest, but especially to those who use and or manufacture them.


Although we haven't been able to make quantum measurements (neither qualitative nor quantitative) in this matter, the empirical experience, the methodical experiments, and the information collected decades ago on quantum physics indicates no risks when they are correctly made and used, and the benefits are multiple in the short and long term; however, there are risks with some poorly made devices.


The orgonite produces in part the same as the pyramid: Accumulation of neutrinos, but with more complex mechanisms. It doesn't replace the general functions of the pyramids at all. Still, both the orgonite and the pyramid reproduce a series of phenomena that Nature performs on macro and micro scales to conserve and improve Life.

We discovered in 2007 that the pyramidal field becomes more stable and increases the production of neutrinos using orgonites. Only in that aspect - production of neutrinos and not in the same amount - an orgonite resembles a pyramid.

The First Osiris Group, which in the 80s didn't know much about Wilhelm Reich's work on geobiology and orgonomy, had fascinating findings, almost identical. Being able to make quantum measurements, we named "pockets of neutrinos" to specific natural quantum clusters related to the vitality and the pyramidal effect since these clusters are composed of a stable type of particles, the "tauonic-T."

Wilhelm Reich did his job half a century before. Still, with no Internet, the US government kept a very thick cover over the discoveries and developed technology by this scientific genius. Don Croft perfected and widely disseminated his work; though, many secret services have worked since 1955 on this technology. The terms that Reich gave to the "pockets of neutrinos" was OR (ORgon), considering it beneficial in itself, while the opposite DOR (Deadly ORgon) or Mortal Orgone would be composed of other quantum particles (no neutrinos) and atomic particles with destructive effects.

Homemade Orgonites


The process isn't complicated, but you have to be aware that polyester resins or similar are toxic. For your first time, don't worry about aesthetics. The important thing is to make them right. The aesthetics will interest you if you want to market them later. Still, in any case, you must make them right, without any other metal than aluminum, without cables or more advanced things that require other knowledge, without getting too far from the proportion. High purity Aluminum isn't needed as in the Pyramids, but make sure it doesn't have other metals.


Prepare components:


Molds: The best ones are those made of silicone, not affected by heat, the resin doesn't stick to them, you can use them a hundred times, etc. If you can't find them in a nearby store, use glass molds. The problem with glass is that the resin sticks, and you have to spray wax (furniture) to remove the orgonite the next day without breaking the mold. However, if you leave them in the glass mold, they work the same. Other options are those of tin or aluminum used for baking.


There are two formulas. For homemade orgonites, the most appropriate is of equal parts of the components by volume (not by weight), for example:


- 1 jar full of glass (without metals, avoid mirrors).

- 1 jar (of the same volume) of synthetic resin, pine, or any other (they are all organic, and their result is the same).

- 1 jar (of the same volume) of aluminum shavings.


The second formula is more complicated because it depends on the resin you have. If it's very thick, you'll have to use less aluminum.


Necessary precautions: Wear thick rubber gloves and glasses (if you get resin or catalyst in one eye, you'll remember your great-grandpa or mine). Wear an activated carbon mask; if not, use what you have, but never do this in a closed-door place or without glasses. The resin emanates invisible odorous, a very toxic vapor, especially when mixed with the catalyst. In addition, the aluminum chip will release very light particles that will go to your lungs. If you live in an apartment and don't have an open area, it's better to buy them already made.


Place the glass in the molds: Glass beads, crystalline quartz, or white amorphous quartz. They give the same result. Measure it to fill a third of the mold, but you only place "half" of the calculated. Keep the other half for later. Do it before mixing the resin and the catalyst because it hardens fast, and it won't give you time to arrange things in the molds.


Then, mix the polyester resin with the hardener (or catalyst). Calculate the quantity for all the molds because if you make too much, you will end up with a resin pot with aluminum, which won't work as an orgonite without glass. It happened to me, so I added glass, and the result was a majestic but very expensive orgonite for the garden.


Follow the instructions of your resin. If you put more hardener, it will dry very quickly. If you put less, it will take too long to set. Too much catalyst will harden excessively and will turn fragile. Pine resins have other formulas but are difficult to find.


Put aside one-fifth of the total resin for last-minute arrangements. You can do it already mixed or resin and catalyst calculated without mixing.


Once mixed resin and catalyst, stir for ten seconds and add the aluminum shavings (you get them in any aluminum shop, and they will thank you because it's not easy to recycle). Stir that which will be like a thick puree (add the aluminum little by little). If you see that it's too thick at a point where you haven't used the total volume of aluminum, don't worry. It's a thick resin, and you won't need all the aluminum. It will work the same because "thick" resin molecules compensate for the difference.


Pour it into all molds halfway (each mold). Then add "the other half" of the separated glass in step 1. Next, complete pouring the resin with aluminum, leaving a little space (Very little) to pour a bit more resin without aluminum separated in step 4. That will make the surface (which is the bottom of the orgonite) flat, without aluminum or glass. In ten or fifteen minutes, everything will be hot. Don't stay there breathing the resin. Wait until the next day to unmold.


We recommend for your first production to make orgonites of various sizes, but not necessarily conical, pyramidal, etc., until you get control on the process. Make them tiny as if to hang with a chain around your neck, pierce them with a 0.2 mm drill.


1) Deadly or negative orgone or DOR - Deathly Orgon - when depressive and ORANUR when it's exciting. Originally, ORANUR referred to something else: An experiment which means ORgon Anti Nuclear Ultra Radiation, that's an orgonic field ("quantic" field that theoretically could oppose or cancel DOR produced by nuclear explosions.) Unfortunately, a failed experiment within the ORANUR program killed some people and, with them, Wilhelm Reich's research.


2) Neutral orgone (OR), although it seems innocuous, is necessary for life and will tend in natural conditions to become Positive Orgone.


3) Positive Orgon (POR) is always beneficial.


Properly manufactured orgonite devices produce a large amount of POR (Positive Orgone), canceling and dissolving the negative Orgone (DOR), partly counteracting directly and partially reducing the biological impact of a broad spectrum of high-frequency waves, reducing the biological damage caused by low-frequency geomagnetic alterations.

Don't confuse the following things, which are very different, although we rely on the same physical principles and move in the simplest practical quantum field:

a) ORGON ACCUMULATOR, made with continuous layers of conductive metal (preferably aluminum), poorly conductive material (silica, glass, or quartz), and organic material of animal or plant origin. Theoretically, plastics also work, but the only one we use safely is polyester resin, as pure and transparent as possible, so the colloids don't interfere with organic function. Vegetable resin would be the best. The accumulators, when used in the form of floors for houses, blankets, cameras, armchairs, and beds, shouldn't have metals. The sand used on floors must be quartz, without metallic minerals. It should only contain coal, wood, and glass. The best ones (chambers, blankets, and organic floors) are successive layers of coal, fiberglass, and animal wool (or wood and glass).


Pyramids made of aluminum, wood, and glass can never produce DOR or URANUR; they only produce POR.

It's possible to make part of these accumulators interactive with filter orgonites (which do have aluminum chips). There will be no production of DOR or URANUR, not even near a nuclear power plant. The warnings in this regard are valid for cloudbusters in general, as for accumulators that carry metal and poorly made orgonites. Don Croft's orgonites are dangerous if they are not cleaned every so often with a pyramid. They are not recommended because they eventually invert their activity and generate DOR.

b) ORGON EMITTERS, Don Croft's orgonites, and cloudsbuster used to cause rains or avoid them. It's the most complicated and risky part of this technology. We suggest that researchers use aluminum pipes, never copper or iron. Use aluminum shavings, not copper or iron, aluminum cables, not copper.

The organic accumulators that carry metals (even aluminum) and cloudbusters are dangerous for curious researchers without scientific training. Users are advised to use only normal orgonites, and the geopathic routers explained below.

c) ORGONITE properly said, there are three kinds.


Some are specific "transmuters" (Don Croft) that simultaneously function as emitters, like the cloudbuster but in a reduced environment. And they can be dangerous if not used correctly. So they aren't recommended to use by the poorly informed.

Others are "routers or inductors" used in geobiology to concentrate a geopathic column and direct it as a concentrated beam upwards. These carry only resin, quartz, scattered aluminum, and copper spiral. They clean a geopathic environment and do not alter the local magnetic grid. They are handy, and the dangerous thing would be to stay right above them. It's not necessary to clean them, and they don't generate URANUR or DOR. The same geopathic "column or chimney" keeps them clean. Some may also be called "concentrators" if the spiral is well placed, more powerful, but fulfills the same function.

Lastly, the "filters," with many benefits, are not dangerous and easy to make. They consist of equal parts of resin, quartz, and aluminum shavings, in dispersed form, not necessarily layers. They don't carry spirals of any kind, metal ornaments, or anything other than their pure components. However, you can make them aesthetic using glass marbles, plastic glitter (in small quantities), and quartz of various kinds.

Some designs are to confine the action of a geopathy (a geopathogenic site is where living organisms get sick from low magnetic frequencies of the telluric field). Orgonites with spirals inside, especially conical, are often used to make a geopathy that, for example, one meter in diameter, is concentrated to about two or three centimeters and becomes a fine and powerful column, which without disturbing the Hartmann, the Curry, and other Earth's magnetic networks, are no longer dangerous in the environment.

Logically, never stand above them. Flat orgonites, truncated cone type, without spiral, are often used to cancel geopathies but are less effective than spiral conicals in that sense. Still, you can use them to cancel the effects of electrical transformers at home. For this purpose, we use more pyramids of orgonite, with bases of between 15 and 30 centimeters, with proportions "Al Ahraum" (The proportion of the Great Pyramid of Giza).


This pyramid-orgonite model is placed in very powerful geopathies or near the Phone chargers, modem, etc. For example, the wifi modem emits radiation that makes the legs hurt to nearby people; others feel it in the head. The best way to avoid most of the organic effects is by canceling such radiation, which with appropriate orgonites doesn't produce any interference with the functions of the wifi, the computer, or the telephone; it only cancels the part of the spectrum corresponding to the DOR, as a spontaneous quantum filter.

You should never place them under chairs, sofas, or beds, not even those of normal orgonite, the antipyramid that forms also has its effects (regardless of the effect of the orgonite). This one, in particular, should only be used by an expert in the field; unfortunately, few geobiologists know how to use orgonites and pyramids. Piramicasa provides free advice on the correct use of these devices.


It's precisely where more bad information exists, as many recommend not to use it. However, it's paramagnetic, and in combination with quartz, emits a magnetic field of 440 Hz, in tune with the average of all living cells, producing ORGON of type POR (positive, beneficial effect). Others speak of its "toxicity," but that is only valid if inhaled or ingested using aluminum pans, cutlery, and jugs. So don't use aluminum in the kitchen.

The biggest problem of many orgonites, cloudbusters, and orgone accumulators, is that copper (in shavings, wires, or tubes) is used and is, like in pyramids, a dangerous metal. In inductor orgonites, copper can only be used for the spiral, but nothing else. However, they still work very well if replaced by aluminum wire.

I'm not saying that cloudbusters (emitters) and accumulators that only carry aluminum can never produce DOR or URANUR, but so far, it hasn't happened in my experience with orgonites, some cloudbusters, and accumulators. For example, suppose you are near a nuclear power plant (less than fifty kilometers in a straight line). In that case, you shouldn't use cloudbusters or accumulators, but only simple orgonites with aluminum and no other metals.

Filters made of aluminum, quartz, and resin (in equal parts by volume) only generate ORGON and not only stabilize the pyramidal field, but the same pyramid field (faster than any other magnetic field) constantly cleans them.



These are large amounts of neutrinos, especially in the most stable state, which produces quantum completeness in the atoms, therefore more functional stability in the molecules, and consequently, better performance in the cells and all non-saprophytic living organisms. In this aspect - remember - it resembles the pyramidal effect. The pyramid is a kind of orgonite in that sense.


The fact that the resin covers everything doesn't interfere with the function of an "organic filter" since it's not an "accumulator," but a filter that inhibits the destructive biological action of the part of the radiation and microwave spectrum, bringing them closer to 440 Hz, leaving them outside the range of biological danger in a radius approximately ten times the size of the orgonite.


For example, an orgonite of 10 centimeters in diameter will keep a two-meter diameter sphere quite protected from geopathic radiation and will mitigate in that area the impact of many other radiations on living cells.


Those made with copper or ferromagnetic shavings can be dangerous, but we don't have many reports or experiences with them to determine the degree of risk. Only some experiments where we verified that the same thing happens as with the pyramids, therefore, take into account the following:

COPPER (and all diamagnetics): Very dangerous


PARAMAGNETICS: No dangerous if some basic guidelines are respected; they are not used in accumulators but pyramids, filter orgonites, cloudbuster tubes, and other devices reserved for scientists.

There are many serious and rigorously scientific works on Wilhelm Reich technology; the problem is that very few have been done in independent laboratories. One of them was ours, between 1984 and 1991, but related to pyramids and quantum research (especially neutrinos), we didn't know the relation with Wilhelm Reich's work.


a) The hundreds of photos from the quantum laboratory, full of pyramids (very closely related to the function of the orgone, but we didn't know it) appeared so full of spots that we stopped taking pictures because, at that time, it was very expensive. It looked like a streak of bad luck, failed reels, perforated diaphragms, the electromagnetic devices we had, high humidity, etc. As neither the physicists nor I thought to publish anything, since our research was kept secret for multiple reasons, we finally gave up.


It took me ten years after closing the laboratory to find out that the BIONS and the "pockets of neutrinos" are the same thing; without understanding that we were photographing them, the fricking spots were the same we observed as spheroids in some mathematical models on monitors.


b) Between 1980 and 1983, I worked in a scientific team of the Argentinian Army (another subject), but since I'm very friendly, I fraternized with scientists from other teams, finding out (and participating in experiments) about Wilhelm Reich technology. However, when we studied the neutrinos, I never imagined the relationship between the rains we produced with cloudbusters or those we avoided.


A few experiments here in Spain taught me more things; obviously, we talk about something that, although it has its "dark side" for the risks of any useful item, it will never be as harmful as if this technology were and developed - in the hands of those who govern us from the shadows.


This technology is great in combination with the pyramid and independently since it considerably reduces the effect of many radiations, electromagnetic waves, and other DOR producers. The orgonite is a device that mimics a very abundant process in Nature, which is quantum reorganization through the interaction of metallic and organic elements in alternating layers or random dispersion. This process is equivalent to absorbing the DOR (destructive orgone) and converting it into POR (Positive Orgone). It's the same subject. That's why orgonites aren't "accumulators," but filters, converters, precisely like the earth itself, with its metal parts, abundant silica, water, and organic cover. In natural "planetogenesis," before there is a fertile layer on Earth, oil is the most abundant organic element of the most natural orgonite that exists: The earth's crust.


Note: We say "Positive ORGON," but in reality, the predominant electric charge in that matter is negative. The term "positive" refers to the benefit of its effects, not to the technical issue of electric charge. In the same way as the electrical charge of positive ions, it's "negative" in terms of harmful.


The best metals to fulfill these purposes, to interact with pyramids, are paramagnetics (Aluminum, silica, platinum, titanium), and we see that copper in orgonites is as dangerous as in pyramids. Although some geobiological devices are manufactured with iron, copper, and others, none has to do with the organic protection of the environment. That's why we only use the most practical, economical, and safe: Aluminum and silica (Quartz it's silica oxide, and glass is silica with other compounds - forming silicates - also paramagnetic).

The standard Pyramidbed, as all pyramids larger than two meters of base, has four orgonite devices. The small therapeutic and those of utility in the kitchen only have orgonite in some designs. We must consider that any of our pyramids also works as a great orgonite, although their effects are much more complete. Both devices (pyramids and orgonites) have excellent interaction. Orgonites contribute more ORBs to the pyramid, helping stabilize its field in some circumstances with small magnetic anomalies.


It works to avoid the effects of radiation produced by television and radio antennas and almost the entire spectrum of mobile phone radiation. It doesn't interfere at any time with the signal. On the contrary, cleaning remaining radiation eliminates parasitic waves and improves the television's image quality, whether analog or digital. Let's clarify: It doesn't replace the antenna or collaborate with its function but eliminates harmful organic radiation produced by the rebound of waves on walls and objects.

One of these can't nullify the powerful effects of a telephone antenna, which are very unhealthy. Still, it's sufficient to nullify the harmful effects of one or several phones, and it doesn't accumulate DOR, as Don Croft's models or any other that have components of copper or other metals. The protection against microwave radiation is quite high but not enough in a direct impact. It decreases, like the pyramid, the harmful effect on living cells. It almost fully transforms the remnants of emissions, the most environmentally damaging part for organisms.



We manufacture Kits upon request, according to the plan of the house or workplace. A basic kit for home consists of eight pieces. (€ 320) If you use a microwave oven, you need another three (a special kit costs 96 Euros). Still, we don't guarantee total safety in this aspect since microwaves usually have radiation leaks, which no orgonite can handle, in addition to destroying the vital quality of food and the molecular structure of water, which is the cause of innumerable health problems.

* Shipping costs anywhere in the world are separate. You can request them by sending plans of the house or the area to be covered to with the subject "Orgonites Order."

Piramicasa Gabriel Silva

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