The pyramid acts as a container of neutrinos, inviting them into its field; these neutrinos are absorbed by the atoms of any organic body exposed to this field; these atoms complete and recover mass, therefore forming more stable molecules.
The above is true for any organic body, be it a human, animal, plant, or seed.
Scientists who traveled in Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign extracted two French pounds (about 1,730 grams) of wheat seeds found in two fifty-pound sacks each. The cloth sacks were marked with a "do not touch" order from the Kalifa Al-Mammon. It's unknown whether these sacks were there before he (in 820 AD) managed to open the pyramid, or if he ordered to save those sacks, with what would be the first experiment of our civilization on seed conservation.
However, now we know that seeds stored in a pyramid for at least 15 days will increase the sprouting rate.
Seed Germination:
a) Experiments 01, 02, 03 - Dandelion (Indoor): ✔ DONE.
b) Experiment 06 - Lettuce "Summer Crisp" (pallets) (Indoor): ✔ DONE.
c) Experiment 08 - Lettuce "Red Oakleaf" (pallets) (Indoor): ✔ DONE.
d) Experiment 10 - Lettuce "Summer Crisp" (Indoor): ✔ DONE.
e) Experiment 12 - Cucumber (Indoor): ✔ DONE.
One of the most severe problems for the survival of Humanity is the proliferation of transgenics. I experimented with bell pepper seeds from the grocery store. I wish I have pictures; I was just testing a pyramid in the forest. The point is that after treating the seeds for a couple of weeks, they all sprouted, so I let them grow, give fruit, ripen, and then harvest them all. Those that didn't ripen enough had tiny seeds, not fully developed, and those fully ripen looked great from the outside, but their seeds were rotten, giving only two generations of production if you save the seeds. I treated both groups of seeds in the pyramid for a month; any of them sprouted.