Pyramid Therapy Nuptaek
The "Nuptaek" modality is a way to take better advantage of the times in long treatments with "antipyramid," both in API (Lower Anti-Pyramid) and in APS (Upper Anti-Pyramid) with the Hygia pyramid (80 cm side) as with the Horus pyramid (60 cm side). The APS modality is still reserved to our investigating therapists since it must be applied with caution, requires professional therapeutic criteria, and a lot of experience in the use of pyramids to avoid adverse effects on patients, because optimal times and conditions are not yet determined.
The Hygia is better for most therapies because it covers more, but you can still use the Horus. Almost all pyramid therapists use both, either because they have two people in treatment simultaneously, or because with these two sizes it's possible to refine the approach of the point to be treated (mainly with the Horus) or cover more, such as in the treatment of abdomen for intestinal infection or septicemic in both legs, in which case the Hygia can serve much better.
The Nuptaek Therapy consists of three sessions in a row, without an interval and then the required two-hour interval, so no to alter the colloidal flocculation cycle of the cells, but respecting the times given for each part of the body according to the organs that we are going to put under the antipyramidal effect.
We give the example of a fistula treatment, where there are many factors related to hemorrhoids, but we must take into account that we'll be affecting the gonads. Depending on which pyramid model we use, we'll be touching with the Lower Antipyramid the kidneys, and the adrenal, and with any of the models we'll be affecting the lymph nodes, which will also benefit but are somewhat more delicate in terms of times of application.
The most affected area, the focal point, should be touched by the central vortex of the antipyramid, which is about 12 cm below the plane of the base in the Horus, or 17 cm in the case of the Hygia.
Let's look at an example of the process and times, variable according to therapist's criteria on the severity of the problem: (the scale model corresponds to a 1.68 m tall patient using a pyramid Hygia.
Position 1 from different angles:
1) In position 1 (the three images above), 35 minutes.
2) Afterward and without leaving an interval, the legs for 50 minutes (whether thighs to knees or knees to feet), as indicated in the image below. The blood will be treated, and if there's any problem on feet or legs, it will come in handy.
3) Without leaving an interval, the back for 15 minutes, as in the image below, to the neck (not the head).
After those 100 minutes of therapy, you have to wait two hours and do the therapy again. If the patient likes to read can take advantage of an hour and forty minutes that the process lasts. There will be at least two Nuptaek treatments, but if possible, one more.
In two days, the inflammation should be remit, and at least stop the infection.
A definitive solution requires sleeping every night in a Pyramidbed for at least two months that the process of molecular restructuring of the whole body's water takes. That's where we become incredibly resistant to any bacterial attack, and wounds, leave no scars. With time, old scars begin to disappear.
But in antipyramid therapies, you have to respect the times so as not to produce cellular or organic stress.
"Immediately," is that!
without interval or brake
The first session of the day: Dorsal decubitus (face up) the entire sequence of the session. Five minutes over the head. Immediately fifteen minutes over the chest (not recommended for people with pacemakers, for safety). Immediately 50 minutes on the thighs, from just below the genital area, to the knees, where the projection of the pyramid reaches. And after those 70 minutes of therapy, two hours of interval.
Second session: Prone position (face down) the entire sequence of the session, 50 minutes on feet and legs. Immediately 50 minutes on thighs and immediately 15 minutes over the kidneys (people with kidney problems of any etiology, prolong to 20 minutes and in severe kidney infections 25 minutes during the first three days and then continue with 15 minutes).
Third session: Same as the first, but lateral decubitus (lying on the side)
Fourth session: The same as the Third one, but lying on the other side.
Repeat these sessions for at least two weeks. After seeing the effects and based on that, we determine how to continue. For the specific case of suspected fibromyalgia or sclerosis, there may not be changes with this modality for quite some time.
The sessions shouldn't pass half an hour and then two hours apart, or practice the "Nuptaek" therapeutic process, which consists of the following to treat the genital region, both in men and women of any age:
30 minutes on the groin area
50 minutes on the legs (between the inguen and the knees)
50 minutes between knees to feet
These three applications, without an interval between them. Then yes, two hours of waiting. This will treat all the blood in the body.
Then the second session can be done three times in a row, changing the legs for other parts, so that it looks like this:
30 minutes on the groin area
50 minutes on the arms
15 minutes on the abdomen
Also, if we are treating the legs, the hands can be placed inside the pyramid.
Won't be complications if it's done as explained, and there is no possibility that the problem will get worse because of the pyramid or its antipyramidal application.
Piramicasa Gabriel Silva